Friday 24 April 2015


The duration of sleep a night for each child varies between 9-12 hours depending on the age and needs of each (see 'Sleep Needs In Kids'). Lack of sleep is rarely affect health but can affect daytime behavior or school performance. But the rejection at the time that you think are already included time to sleep and / or waking up in the middle of the night can be annoying when it happens too often and your family. Various factors, including physical pain, emotional disappointment, nightmares, and poor bedtime habits, can cause sleep problems.

"Does your child sometimes sleep walking? Sleepwalking most experienced children aged 6-12 years. No need to worry as long as you ensure that the child is still safe, for example by locking all exterior doors. Do not wake, but lead him back to his bed , if necessary. The habit that usually disappear after age 12 years. "

"Is the child's sleep is always less since the baby? Sleep problem that has existed since infants may be due to the absence of a fixed schedule. The solution, try to set a fixed sleep schedule and follow the advice of other measures to put the kids (below). If your child's bedroom still messed up after a few weeks of applying a fixed sleep schedule, ask your doctor's advice. "

"Sleep needs of each child is very varied (see 'Sleep Needs In Kids'). If the child looks healthy, it seems there's nothing to worry about. If the sleep patterns that make you anxious, consult your doctor or local health aide."

"Hard silent when sleep is often caused by anxiety over a temporary disappointment. The solution, search and clear it all concerns the child. Give him extra caresses and support. Maybe the child will be easier to calm after the disappointment passed. However, if the child has not improved sleep in a few weeks, see your doctor. "

"In children, difficult silent when sleep is also possible because he was afraid of the dark or left alone. The solution, calm the child, put the lights dim or let his door remains open may help. Schedule a fixed bed can also be reassuring a child. When he was still also hard to sleep after a few weeks, see your doctor. "

"Children who are less healthy will be difficult to sleep at night. If there are specific symptoms, try to reopen the file in the archives of this blog about a particular symptom. If not, see your doctor. Once improved, the child will go back to sleep soundly through the night. "

"Is sleep disturbed by coughing or itching on the skin? Symptoms of asthma or eczema that does not interfere in the day, may be able to interfere with the child at the time of sleep. See your doctor. The doctor will examine and prescribe the appropriate medication. If the child is receiving treatment for asthma or eczema, the dose may need to be adjusted. As soon as the symptoms can be resolved, the child will go back to sleep soundly. "

"Whether the child is taking a prescription drug that made it hard to sleep? certain medications, eg asthma medication, can make disrupted sleep as a side effect, see your doctor, meanwhile, do not stop the administration of prescription medication."

"Nightmare also can make children sleep difficult. The nightmare experienced by children from the age of 5-6 years and can be triggered by a terrifying experience or event on TV or a fairy tale. Nightmares can also be caused by anxiety. The solution, reassure the child until he could return bed. In some cases, it's good that he was invited to talk about his dream. When ongoing nightmare or more frequently, see your doctor. "

"Woke up several times at night to urinate may be a symptom of a hidden disorder, such as urinary tract infections. However, the most common cause is too much to drink."

"Children are often ready to wake up earlier than their parents and could enter a period of waking up early. If you want her to sleep again, follow the action put the kids (next). If your child is old enough, you can let it play itself."

OWN ACTION: Lull Your Child
If your child have trouble sleeping, maybe it is because there is no fixed sleep schedule. Try to set a pattern that always kept every night, for example, washing the feet then read fairy tales. Often a child is insomnia due to fear of the dark, which can be overcome by providing a dim light or leave the bedroom door open. When hard lull your child, lay him until well established, say goodnight and get out of the room. If the child cries, let the first few minutes before came to him again. Calm the child briefly and then go out again from the room, Resist impulse that wants to accompany him. Repeat it several times until he slept. The time will be shorter every day.

When the child wakes at night, help him only when he actually cried. (Children who just whine might soon go back to sleep). Come to check that everything is safe, calm the child and immediately came out again. If your child is still crying, try again way over, until the child back to sleep.

Sleep Needs In Children

Needs to sleep every child is different, and naturally when children are more stout sleep than other children the same age. In general, children sleep with increasingly diminishing as they age. Comparison of sleep accompanied by dreams also decreased, from about half in newborns up to about one-fifth in the teenage years. You need to worry about your child's sleep only when he seemed unwell or if excessive sleepiness has affected daily life.

Tidur = sleep
Usia = age
Bulan = month
Jam = hour
Tahun = year

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