Monday 20 April 2015


Newborn's skin is very sensitive and easily irritated by the touch of clothing or bedding. Lighter in skin problems like that usually do not need to worry about. One of the most skin problems experienced by infants is diaper rash, which is easily overcome. Rashes or other abnormalities in the skin that is not clear why or raised more than a few days, need to be examined to see a doctor, especially if the baby did not look well.

"Most newborns have a harmless skin irritation which is usually lost themselves in the first few months (read 'Caucasian newborns'). If it does not go away or make you worried, see your doctor."

"Many babies are born with one or more birthmarks. In some cases, it will disappear within the first few months or years, though most birthmarks will last a lifetime. Spotting strawberries usually do not appear until a miraculous months later, but still considered also as a birthmark (read "birthmark"). "

"Seborrhoeic dermatitis (ie a harmless disorder that affects parts of the skin that is oily) has indicated that inflamed rash and peeling in two or more of the following areas; the neck, behind the ears, face, groin, armpits. The solution, give extra attention when washing and drying the skin in the affected area. Avoid soap, baby lotions, baby shower or solution. emollient lotions can be used to cleanse and moisturize baby's skin. if the rash does not disappear within a week or if you are still worried, see your doctor, who can prescribe cream mild dose corticosteroids. "

"CAUTION! If the infant or child are mottled dark red rash that does not fade when pressed it is an indication of meningitis, which is inflammation of the membranes covering the brain as a result of the infection. If the alleged like this, the array immediately to the hospital when it was also to get help immediately with antibiotics, and may require intensive care. "

"Is there a golden brown crust on the baby's scalp? If yes, maybe he had cradle cap, a type of dermatitis seborrhoeik harmless. The solution, the crust can be softened with baby oil or olive oil at night and washed away the next morning. How another, use special shampoo to overcome this. But the condition will disappear within a few weeks. if not go away or if you're concerned, see your doctor. "

"Is itchy red rash on the face, elbows inside or behind the knees? If yes, maybe he was stricken with atopic eczema, which is a kind of allergic reaction. The diagnosis is more likely when there are family members who suffer from eczema or other allergies. Bring to a doctor. "

"Diaper rash is a condition where there are infected, inflamed rash on baby's bottom with or without spots that spread along the rupture or scabby skin. Immediately see your doctor who will be able to prescribe a cream anti-infection and corticosteroids. Meanwhile, follow the preventive measures diaper rash (bottom of article). "

Born mark.
Most babies have some point or pigmentation marks. Birthmarks can surprise parents, but mostly harmless. Some birthmarks will disappear or fade with time. Birthmarks are not disappear can be hidden with cosmetics, or in some cases with laser surgery.
Strawberries Mark 
Bright red mark thickened can arise anywhere in the body of the baby. These marks often grow rapidly in the first months of age infants, but then shrank in the second year, and usually disappear without a trace in the year to 8. If this mark arise near the eyes, or your baby's lips, immediately see your doctor because early treatment will be able to prevent it grow and interfere with vision or the baby's diet.
Mongolian blue spots
mark like this bruise sometimes appear on the back and a dark-skinned baby bokon, and lost himself in the second year.
Spotting a port wine
Average red or purple patches can be found anywhere in the body. These patches do not disappear, but it can be reduced with laser surgery.
Stork mark
Stork mark is flat groove pink in the face and back of the neck. These marks usually fade within a few weeks or covered by hair.

Newborns Skin 
Newborn's skin is very delicate and easily irritated. Do not use soap or a washcloth until he was over the age of 6 weeks, because it can make the skin dry iti. Usually the water is enough to wash ompol area, and a few drops of baby oil in the bath water will be enough to be able to help prevent dry skin.

There is a miraculous skin problems that commonly occur in infants, among others:

  • Patches of skin that is partly due to the visibility of blood vessels due to the lack of fat in the bottom of the skin, and partly because of the immaturity of the blood damper so that blood flow is not evenly distributed.
  • Milia, white spots on the nose and cheeks caused by blockage of sebaceous glands in the skin. These spots will disappear without treatment within a few weeks.
  • Peeling skin on hands and feet. Gently wipe the emollient lotions to the affected area.
  • Urticaria, rash spots white centered and surrounded by red color, which soon disappear on their own without treatment.
  • Heat rash; small red spots, often in the face and chest. Keep the baby is not swelter. No need treatment.

Diaper rash experienced almost all babies. This is especially common after diarrhea, but can also occur when the skin is irritated by a wet diaper for a long time. You can help relieve diaper rash with the following steps;

  • Let the baby as often as possible to play without wearing diapers, better at least once a day.
  • Wash the skin in the diaper area with water, drain well and avoid using scented wipes.
  • Change the diaper as often as possible.
  • Dry the baby's skin folds every niche well.
  • Apply a water repellent cream, for example, jelly or castor oil.
  • If you put another diaper, make sure it is rinsed clean and avoid biological detergent.
  • Consult your doctor if the rash becomes blisters, watery, becoming ulcers, or does not go away within a few days.

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