"Some babies are sleeping less than the others. Keep the baby stay happy while awake by giving him a lot of things to see and toys. Follow also TIPS action to lull the baby."
"There are many possible causes of infant crying in the night, and instinctively, the mother can recognize the needs of the baby."
"Hunger may also be the cause of the baby woke up."
"Attempts to keep the baby woke up as hungry at night, for example by giving an extra drink in the afternoon, usually less successful. Never add infant formula milk. Take a break in the day when the baby is sleeping. When he was a baby breast milk, squeeze and put in bottle so your partner can sometimes help drink the baby at night. If you feel the lack of sleep has lowered your health or irritate you on the baby, ask your doctor or registered nurse advice nearby. "
"The young baby can sleep all the time. After 2-3 months of age, he could begin to be encouraged to get more sleep at night by providing real difference between day and night, to let the curtains open during the day and dim the light in his room in night. When changing a diaper at night, use dim lights and do not talk to him or play. "
"After getting bigger, your baby will need less sleep. Try to reduce his nap so he could sleep better at night."
"Sharing a room with the baby is able to disrupt the atmosphere of the night you and the baby. The reason could be because you have made a disturbing sound sleep. However, the greater your chances are very sensitive to movement of the baby in the sleep and little baby is your voice thought as a sign of full awakened. the solution, if possible, move the baby into another room. you would still hear if he really crying, but maybe you do not like suddenly awakened. "
"Needs Your presence is the most common cause baby wakes at night after the escape of time feeding at night."
"When a baby is often awake at night (before soundly) accompanied by fever, diarrhea or vomiting should see your doctor."
"With the growth of your baby, it will require more food. Increase ate during the day will make the baby no longer wake up at night. Alternatively, you can start weaning when it has not been done."
"Chills and swelter can wake the baby at night. Keep the baby's room temperature around 18 degrees Celsius. Your baby does not need a blanket over your own needs at the same circumstances. Leaving swelter baby could increase the risk of sudden infant death syndrome. When he was cold because the blanket often kicked try to put on baby clothes warm bed at night."
"Babies can feel anxiety or tension parents, and could be bothered with it. It may take some time for your baby sure back. If you can keep your baby's daily schedule remains stable even though your life is in turmoil. When the baby wakes up at night, give drinking and fondling, but make sure that the baby knows that he must return to his own bed, so that the baby does not get used up in the night and hope to play. "
TIPS OWN ACTION: Help Baby to Sleep
At the age of 4 months is generally the baby will sleep when full and feel comfortable. All you have to do is try to fulfill two basic needs it. At this age, the faint sound (and a faint movement) tends to make it easier to sleep. Took him by car or pushed in strollers are almost always going to put her to sleep.
TIPS OWN ACTION: Reduce the Risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome
There are a few things you can do to reduce the risk of sudden infant death syndrome, among others:
- Always sleep your baby on his back in the direction of the foot of his bed. This is the safest position because he could not rolled by blanket itself.
- Use a strong mattress without a pillow.
- Do not put excessive sleepwear.
- Do not hold his bed with a radiator or other heating.
- Do not smoke near your baby.
TIPS OWN ACTION: Helping Young Children Lull
Infants older than 4 months have passed the frequent need to drink at night and need more sleep schedule fixed and definite, and fun. Your baby needs reassurance that parted from you to sleep is not a punishment. Here are some suggestions to enjoy a trouble-free night:
- Avoid excessive noise at bedtime.
- Provide a light sleeper if your baby seems afraid of the dark.
- Do not immediately come to him when he heard the whine at night. Maybe baby you're delirious.
- When she cries in the night, reassure silently, try as soon as possible.
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