Tuesday 21 April 2015


A child sometimes complained of feeling unwell without a clear picture of what the member is exactly the problem. At other times, you may suspect that your child is not healthy when he seemed more reserved or more fussy than usual.

"The rise in temperature in infants or small children are often the first sign of a bacterial or viral infection."

"Pain during urination, frequent urination, bed-wetting is common even resist, cloudy or foul-smelling urine. All this is an indication of the child has a urinary tract infection. The doctor will check her urine sample, if the diagnosis is correct, urine samples will sent to a laboratory for analysis, and the child will be given a prescription of antibiotics. In a miraculous case, some further tests, such as ultrasonic scan may be necessary to search for related problems. "

"If the child's temperature 38 degrees Celsius or more and there is a skin rash on the child's chances of developing a type of infection, such as measles. Bring to a doctor or local paramedics."

"If a child is experiencing vomiting and / or diarrhea may cause an infection in the digestive tract or often called 'gastroenteritis' (read the article' Vomiting in infants)."

"Are there two or more of the following symptoms: weight losses without obvious cause, often thirst, urinating much more than usual, excessive fatigue. If there are two or more of the above symptoms are likely the result of diabetes melitus. This condition is caused by insufficient production of insulin hormone needed for the body to obtain energy from sugar and carbohydrates in the diet. the doctor will take a blood and urine sample to measure the child's blood sugar level. If the diagnosis is correct, the child probably will require insulin injections during his life. He will be taught how to inject insulin and monitor their own blood sugar levels, your doctor will advise diet and lifestyle that is appropriate for the child. "

"If the child looks listless and restless, he may be in the early stages of infectious diseases (if the child is interacting with a friend who has a contagious disease)."

"Some children are more prone to anxiety by the changes around them. They may indicate that with no change in behavior or feeling unwell. Pain experienced by other children in the home can cause feelings of ambiguity; the child is worried about his brother but also jealous of the extra treatment he received. the solution, take the child to talk so he can express his problems. caress extra might be able to help. "

"If the child refuses to eat and drink even resist sweets that are usually preferred that the child may experience sore in the mouth or throat. But when it refused to drink it can lead to dehydration. The doctor will examine the child to determine the cause. Encourage the child to remain drink (read tips 'Encourage children to drink' at the bottom of this article). If under the age of 3 months and refused to eat for 3 hours or over the age of 3 months and refused to eat for 6 hours immediately contact a doctor. "

"Refusing to eat is a common thing for children who are less healthy. The solution, do not worry about the child's refusal to eat as long as he drank quite a lot. But if he does not want to eat in 24 hours, and did not seem apparent cause, see your doctor."

"Sometimes, the child looks lethargic and unhealthy when he was worried about something at school, for example, have a test or other things that make the child look unhealthy. Many children show anxiety by being unusual. The solution, take it to talk to find what problems it faces. Talk about it on the teacher, to find if there is an issue that you do not realize, for example mistreatment. if your child continues to complain unhealthy immediately contact a doctor. "

OWN ACTION: Pushing Son in order to Drink

If your child is not healthy, it is better to encourage him to want to drink rather than worrying about the declining appetite. The following steps can stimulate children to drink;

  • Offer favorite drinking, for example, fruit-flavored syrup, not just cold water.
  • Offer a candle that can be smoked ice-suction.
  • Offer a sip. Give him a drink before doing something, like reading comics.
  • Use a straw, unique cup, or cup adults to make interest.
  • Take it to prepare a drink or an ice lolly.

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