Tuesday 14 April 2015

Diarrhea in Infants

Diarrhea is frequent watery stools issued unnatural. Is natural that breastfed babies issuing loose stools up to 6 times a day, and it need not be considered as diarrhea. If your baby has diarrhea, give him plenty of fluids to prevent dehydration (read tips' Preventing Dehydration).

"Infant diarrhea accompanied by fever or vomiting is also an indication of the baby's digestive tract infection or often called gastroenteritis (read tips on 'Dealing with gastroenteritis'). "

"Natural sugar in fruit juice can cause diarrhea in infants. Always dilute orange juice for the baby, or just give a special drink for babies, as well as make sure that you have followed the instructions on the packaging. Drinks and sugary foods do not add nutrients for your baby and should be avoided because it can lead to tooth hollow. "

"Diarrhea can also be caused by medication or flavoring foods channeled into breast milk and affect the baby. The solution, stop the drug-free, and ask for prescription drugs to doctors how they affect the baby. Do not stop using prescription medications except on doctor's orders. When the suspect infant diarrhea resulting from your diet, avoid spicy food first. "

"A type of antibiotic medicines, for example, can cause diarrhea. Call your doctor before drug administration schedule further, to ask whether or not to stop the medication on your baby."

"The inability to digest the sugar in the baby may also be the cause of your baby diarrhea. Excess sugar can cause a laxative effect that can cause diarrhea. The solution, always follow good instructions on the packaging when preparing baby food, and do not add sugar. Until the diarrhea disappeared, follow the steps prevention of dehydration in infants. "

"Sudden changes in the baby food can cause temporary diarrhea. The solution, introduce the new food gradually with one or two new food every week. Ask for advice to the doctor or the nearest health spells when there are some foods that make your child's stomach ache."

"Some babies are ordinary issued a very soft stools, but not diarrhea. If you doubt the normality of your baby's stools (read 'Feces Baby), seek advice from the nearest health aide."

"Possible causes of recurrent or persistent diarrhea is due to temporary intolerance to lactose, the natural sugar in milk. When too quickly give more milk in baby food after exposure gastrornteritis, the diarrhea can recur again."

Cow Milk Intolerance
Most children can not stand the cow's milk protein, which is present in most formulas. Intolerance as it usually occurs in the first year of infancy, between a week to a few months after starting to drink milk, and result in diarrhea or vomiting. This condition usually disappears at the age of 3 years.

When you suspect your baby is suffering from this disease, ask your doctor. The doctor may recommend avoiding all dairy cows in the baby food in the 2-week trial period. If your symptoms, a little milk can be added in the food under the supervision of a physician. This diagnosis will be confirmed when symptoms arise again.

Infants who develop cow's milk intolerance requires food that is free of dairy products need to be supervised sapid's a nutritionist. Children under the age of one year require alternative formulas, such as those made from donkey, which can be obtained with a prescription. The child needs to be another test for the condition every 3 months. When intolerance is gone, the formula can be added incrementally in the food.

Feces Babies
Baby's first stool is called meconium, which is greenish black sticky substance which mainly consists of mucus and bile. In one or two days, the color changed to greenish brown, then turn into a more permanent color. Most babies throw feces several times a day, although some are not throwing feces for several days. During the baby looks healthy, perhaps it is not okay. Breastfeeding babies can throw feces very often. Very mushy stools and usually yellow orange like mustard and accompanied by mucus. Bauny like sour milk.

Infant milk-bottle issued stools denser and harder than breastfed babies. The feces are usually light brown and smells like feces adults alike.

Green stool indicates that the stool moves through the gut very quickly. For breastfed infants, green stool may be reasonable, but the baby-bottle milk stool as it may arise from the presence of infectious gastroenteritis.

Immediately taken to the hospital if your baby has the following symptoms:

  • Unusual drowsiness
  • Sunken eyes and / dry tongue
  • Blackened stool or blood stained
  • Refuse breastfed more than 3 hours (for infants under 3 months) or more than 6 hours (for babies over 3 months)

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