Saturday 11 April 2015


Crying is the only way a small baby convey physical discomfort or disappointment. All babies sometimes cry when hungry, bed-wetting, disappointment, pain, and there are occasional baby crying for no apparent reason. Most parents can immediately identify the cause of the crying baby and usually can handle it as needed her baby.

"Among the causes of excessive crying baby is due to air trapped in the stomach so that interfere with your baby's comfort. The solution, immediately do troubleshooting actions against wind overcome (the bottom of this article)."

"Teething can make baby feel uncomfortable (cry). Objects that are strong and hard to be bitten, for example rubber bite cooled infants may be able to help. It could also be given a pain reliever with the recommended dose on the packaging."

"Some babies may feel uncomfortable or mild fever within a week after the in-immunization. The solution, measure the temperature of the baby. When the baby fever, follow appropriate advice (read in 'fever after immunization'). If the baby is not fever and crying still make you anxious, see your doctor. "

"Colic is a term often used for the case where the baby becomes very 'fussy' in the afternoon and evening. It usually starts when the baby is 6 weeks old and started to disappear in the age of 4 months. The cause is not known precisely. The solution, there is no effective treatment for colic, but some measures can be taken to soothe you and the baby (read tips actions 'Dealing with colic'). the main priority of parents are looking for ways of dealing with prolonged crying baby (read tips actions 'Facing baby cries'). "

"The need for attention and physical comfort is a common cause of infant crying. Some babies prefer to be left in her bed, but many also require the presence of his parents. The solution, carry the baby until he was satisfied. At this age there is no danger of indulgence, and baby will be more carefree because the increased sense of security. so that you can still do the daily work, carry him with a cloth while working. Older babies may be satisfied when placed in a swing or just to be able to always see your presence. After the baby was satisfied, avoid ask him to play. "

TIPS OWN ACTION: Facing Baby Cries

Many parents feel very depressed and can not stand when the baby cries for hours. Feeling like it is normal and does not mean that you are a bad parent. Enlist the help of a neighbor or friend to wait for the baby for about an hour so you can loosen up. If no one can be asked to help, put the baby safely in his bed, close the door of his room and leave it for about half an hour until you are refreshed. Abandoned moment will not harm the baby. When cries until no longer bearable and you are afraid to shake the baby unknowingly, seek immediate medical help or paramedics nearby.


Most young infants experienced a prolonged crying often called colic. This cry attacks usually occur in the afternoon and more experienced breastfeeding babies. The baby is often lifted his legs as if he were in pain. The cause of colic is unknown, but is thought to be caused by air trapped in the intestine, hunger, or fatigue and tension of the mother. To help relieve colic, try to lull the baby or take a walk, drive or wipe the baby's stomach. You might also want to try the anti-colic teat when bottle-fed child. If the baby is breastfed babies, avoid colic medicine containing simethicone, also keep all dairy products. Colic almost always goes away at the age of 4 months.

TIPS OWN ACTION : Overcoming Sign Wind

All infants also swallow air when drinking milk. This air can then be trapped in the intestines and cause discomfort. Sign wind could further increase if the baby is crying just before drinking milk or drink too greedy. Here are some things that can prevent colds or relieve symptoms:

  • When the baby is drinking from the bottle, make sure that the size of her right nipple hole.
  • Sustain the baby while breastfeeding in half upright position so that air is sucked up to the upper part of the stomach.
  • Make him saltpeter any specified intervals while breastfeeding. Enforce him into your shoulder or lap. Gently rub or pat-pat his back to make the air in the stomach out.

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