Saturday 18 April 2015


Most baby weight shrink in the first week at birth and it is not worth worrying about. After that, the baby's weight will grow steadily. Your baby will be weighed and measured regularly in the nearest neighborhood health center, so that any changes can be detected earlier. Growth in the first year is faster than the years since then, and several important systems of the body, such as the nervous system, is growing very fast. That is why nutrition is very important at this age.

"The slow weight gain may indicate a hidden pain. See your doctor, who can examine and perform some tests to establish the diagnosis and appropriate treatment. Once recovered, the baby will grow steadily back."

"If the baby looks less weight baby may require more than your breast milk and may define malnutrition. The solution, try to give breast milk every time he cried, though perhaps at a time when he was not hungry, and offer both nipples alternately. Most babies, especially young, drinking milk irregularly. If the increase in weight was also not normal in two weeks, ask for advice on local health aide. "

"Do not go on a diet while breastfeeding. You need to eat more to make sure your baby's nutritional needs met. Add also your calorie intake, eat one snack each day containing proteins, carbohydrates, and calcium."

"It is very difficult for the new baby is weaned to get enough nutrition from solid food alone. He still is in need of milk. Offer milk as an addition to solid food. If the scales are not well kenainkan normal within two weeks, ask the advice of a doctor or local health aide"

"Check whether a given solid foods are in accordance with the age of the baby. Maybe he needs more nutrients. Follow the way of weaning (below) and offer food or milk whenever he is hungry. If the scales are not well kenainkan normal within two weeks or if you not sure what foods should be given, ask the advice of a doctor or local health aide. "

"The growth of the baby also increase the need for food, and it may take more than you give today, even though you may have already given him the appropriate portions for her age. Try to offer more milk than usual, and let him drink freely. When the age of the baby in the top 4 months, maybe he was ready to get food in. "

"Always follow good instructions on the packaging when mixing baby food. Do not add flour into a food baby. When the baby looked thirsty, give them water to drink mature and continue to feed as usual."

Nutritional Needs of Babies

All babies need food energy (calories), high-fat, low in fiber, and low in salt. The food must contain enough protein to grow and carbohydrates for energy. If you are a vegetarian, you can feed it with you, but also provide sufficient iron. Vegetarian food without supplements, nutritionally inadequate for the baby. Since the age of 4 weeks of your baby can take advantage of supplements of vitamins A, C, and D. The easiest way is to use vitamin drops are available in the neighborhood health center clinics.

TIPS OWN ACTION: Weaning your baby

At age 4-6 months, your baby is ready to be weaned. Is the displacement gradually weaned from drinking only milk to solid food. Start by giving the baby of fruit or vegetable shavings or rice porridge. Try to give him a taste of the milk. Gradually give food with different flavors and textures. Give your food also crushed, but no salt or sugar. Do not give eggs, food grain materials (eg cereals), citrus fruit or fatty foods until he was at least 6 months. Do not give cow's milk, honey or foods that contain the nuts until he was at least 12 months.

Scales shrinkage after birth

Weighing a baby will probably shrink in the first week after birth, but things like this are not worth worrying about. Most babies, especially breastfed infants, could shrink to 200 grams within a few days after birth. This decline is a reasonable balance, and partly due to their food intake at least the first few days. In addition, newborns also need adjusting shall themselves with life outside the womb, and now have to feed, digest and absorb food, no longer just received a supply of the placenta. Most baby scales began to increase since the fifth day and returned to the weight at birth on the 10th day.
Your baby will be weighed about 3 times a week during the first 2 weeks by a local midwife or registered nurse. After reaching back weighed at birth, weighing will continue to grow steadily. In the first 3 months, the increase in weight was going to reach around 170 grams per week. In about 6 months, weighing a baby is about 2 times its weight at birth.

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