Thursday 23 April 2015


It is normal when a child is tired when he lack of sleep the night before or just had a long day or vigorously. Naturally, if a child needs to sleep more in the future as well as the rapid growth in puberty. If your child seems often tired, or fatigue has hindered the association or achievement in school, maybe there is a medical problem behind it. In many cases, fatigue like this do not last long and may be due to an infection that occurred earlier. But you should check with your doctor to avoid any serious problems.

"Are there two or more of the following symptoms; weight losses without apparent cause, the easier thirst, more frequent urination, excessive fatigue. If there are two of 4 or more on the child then diabetes mellitus is a possibility. This condition is caused by lack of insulin production, which is necessary for the body to obtain energy from sugar and carbohydrates in the diet. the doctor will take a blood and urine sample to measure the child's sugar level. If this diagnosis is correct, the child probably will require insulin injections for life. He will are taught how to inject insulin and monitor their own blood sugar levels. the doctor also will advise diet and lifestyle that is appropriate for the child. "

"Children are quiet may seem like a tired when he was less active. However, it is reasonable if the child would rather sit than running. Make sure the child is getting enough exercise. Try exercising together as swimming or playing in the field. If you are still worried about your child's level of activity, consult to the doctor. "

"Is one of the following symptoms in your child; shortness of breath when exercising, skin paler than normal, occasionally felt like fainting. If it did, the child may suffer from anemia, yatu too little oxygen-carrying pigment hemoglobin in blood. In children, anemia is often caused by a lack of iron in the diet. Your doctor will do blood tests to confirm the diagnosis of this. in some cases required some further tests to find the cause of the anemia. If the child has iron deficiency, the doctor will prescribe an iron supplement and give advice on you to diet for the child. "

"Is so severe fatigue to make the child can not get up or go to school and has lasted more than 3 weeks? Child may experience chronic fatigue syndrome, which is a set of symptoms that include severe fatigue, which in some cases, but not all, preceded by disease virus. check to see a doctor. the doctor will examine the child and ask conducted several tests to eliminate all other possibilities. the child may be referred to a specialist, who can suggest a program that encourages the child gradually increase activity levels. Discuss the situation with the teacher. The child is encouraged to attend so that all school assignments and uninterrupted friendship. "

"It is natural that a child feel drained after 1-2 weeks of severe pain. Make sure that he gained enough rest. If there is no improvement after 1 month, see your doctor."

"Children are the usual grunt when catching colds, and do not need to worry about. However, if the child is always snore, may occur enlarged tonsils or adenoids may obstruct breathing when sleeping. See your doctor. The doctor will examine the child's throat. In some cases, the doctor will refer him to a specialist. Surgery tonsils or adenoids to discard will be able to improve the situation. "

"The symptoms of asthma or eczema that does not interfere in the day, might interfere with the child at the time of sleep. See your doctor. The doctor will examine and prescribe the appropriate medication. If the child has been receiving treatment of asthma or eczema, the dose may already need to be in adjust. As soon as the symptoms can be resolved, the child will go back to sleep soundly. "

"Lack of sleep is one of the most common cause of fatigue. It's hard to sleep in children is usually temporary and can be caused by lax sleep schedule or it could be due to anxiety. However, if prolonged, may also be due to the behavior. Set a definite schedule of sleep and be firm on your child. If the child is old enough, talk things that worried about him. When sleep is interrupted within a few weeks, see your doctor. "

"Very likely your child 'new' too vigorous activity, as well as the holiday had to be enterprising. Encourage the child to discuss the possibility of reducing or replace as necessary activities. Encourage him to play more quiet at home. Most children can adjust to increased activity in schools in one lesson of the season. "

"If your child is suffering from fatigue after taking this drug may be caused by certain medications, such as antihistamines and anticonvulsants that can carry side effects of fatigue. Ask to see a doctor. Meanwhile, make sure the child is on medication prescription."

"Fatigue can be a symptom of anxiety or depression as a result of a temporary disappointment. The solution, search and clear it all hidden anxiety felt by the child. Anxiety or mild depression can often be eliminated by additional caresses and support. However, if the child fatigue still persist or worsen, see your doctor. "

Iron Deficiency Anemia
In children, iron deficiency anemia is usually caused by a lack of iron in the diet. Try to make the child like green vegetables and red meat, although it may be difficult. Certain foods, such as some cereal for breakfast, reinforced with iron is very useful if your child does not want to eat that are rich in iron. A child who does not eat solid foods at 6 months of age may require additional infant formula with iron. Ask the doctor's advice.

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