Headache is a very common complaint. At the age of 7 years, 40% of children experience headaches, and this figure to 75% in children aged 15 years. Parents may worry about it because there is a serious condition, such as meningitis or a brain tumor, which is actually very rare. Headache can occur just like that but it can be accompanied by an infection that causes fever. It also can be a symptom of various disorders that relatively mild. Always be taken to the doctor if the headache is severe, continuous, often arise, or if this type of headache for the first time experienced by the child.

"fever is often accompanied by headache."
"Does hurt of his head just when you wake up or waking from sleep? Headache with characteristic such as this could indicate there is a serious disorder in the brain. The doctor will immediately refer the child to the hospital to undergo several tests, such as MRI or scan-CT to set the cause and proper treatment. "
"Is there anything in your child's headache one of the following symptoms: severe headache, reluctantly bowed his head, not like bright light, drowsiness or dazed,, dark flat spots that do not fade by the pressure. If so, this is a sign of danger, immediately take your child to hospital for symptoms indicating meningitis, which is inflammation of the membranes covering the brain due to infection, can cause symptoms like this. when suspected meningitis, the child should be immediately taken to the hospital right away, to get help immediately with antibiotics, and may require treatment intensive. "
"Mild headache shortly after the small collision of head is usually not worth worrying about. Give the child paracetamol to relieve the pain. Observe the child. When he looked lethargic, vomiting, drowsiness, or raised a danger sign on top, immediately Consult a physician. "
"Headaches may also be a result of the collision. Maybe she suffered a brain injury because of the impact on the head. At the hospital, the child will be monitored closely and the need to undergo several tests, such as CT scan to establish appropriate care."
"If the child seems lethargic when headache does not recur or if his performance at school declined in recent years, there may be a serious disorder of the brain that need to be investigated. The doctor will examine the child and will probably refer the child to undergo several tests for example MRI and CT scan to establish the cause. "
"Is there of his headache in accordance with the following characteristics; felt especially in the forehead and the face or teeth, more so when bent, sinusitis (inflammation of the lining of insulating cavities in the throat) may cause headaches like this, especially when the new girl catching colds or runny nose or stuffy. Children aged under 8 years old are rarely attacked because the sinus is not yet formed. Give paracetamol to cope the pain. Inhalation of vapors may also help. If the child has not improved within 2 days, see your doctor within 24 hours, may be the children need antibiotics. "
"Prescription drugs certain can lead to headaches. Consult a doctor, while it should not stop using prescription drugs."
"Severe headache with certain symptoms may be a migraine, especially when there are family members there were also suffering from migraine headaches, see your doctor. The doctor will examine the child to rule out other causes, symptoms can often be alleviated himself with painkillers and anti-ematica (drug nausea reliever), lots of drink and rest in a dark room. you also need to find the originators of factors, which can be food or activity. "
"A complaint in the eyes can sometimes cause headaches after doing things like that. Check the eyes of the child to the eye doctor. After conducting an eyesight test is complete, if there is a problem with the vision, an ophthalmologist will prescribe glasses that fit to the child . When his vision is normal, the eye doctor will refer you to a general physician to find the cause of headaches. "
"Anxiety is the most common cause of headaches in children. Encourage the child revealed the problems and anxiety they experienced, and look for patterns of headache. Contact the teacher to seek more information, see your doctor if you and the child can not cope with the problem, or if headache often arise. "
Immediately take it to the hospital when the child loses consciousness and raised one of the following symptoms;
- Lost consciousness after a blow to the head
- Not realized until more than 3 minutes
- Breathing slows or stops, or irregular and reads
While waiting for medical help, provide appropriate first aid.
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