Generally, a balanced diet will help a child's hair and nails healthy and strong. Use a soft brush to a child's hair, because their hairs are still very fragile. When the child with long hair, avoid braid too tight or has a rubber binder without wrapping. In children, the most hair problems requiring treatment is nail and fungal infections.
"Have recently at the head of the child raised groove bald? Alopecia areata, that if the immune system attacks the hair follicles, is a possibility. Consult a physician. In children, this condition will usually improves on its own. It will grow new hair in 6-9 months. If the condition does not improve, the doctor will be able to prescribe a corticosteroid cream. "
"Is your child's scalp flaking and / or inflamed in part of hair fall out? Roundworms, a fungal infection, can lead to bald scalp when attacked. Consult your doctor. If this diagnosis is definitely, the doctor may prescribe a series of antifungal treatment. Once the infection is gone, the hair will grow back. "
"Most of the baby's skin will be separated in the first year and gradually replaced by thicker hair. Friction with nightgown or baby seat can cause the release of this fine hair until look conspicuous in some places."
"Most of the baby's skin will be separated in the first year, usually apparent by thinning hair for a short period. In the next few months, new hair will grow stronger in his place. In some cases, new hair color can be different from the original color."
"Certain medications, especially those to treat cancer, can be side effects of hair loss, see your doctor. Meanwhile, do not stop using prescription medicine the child, often hair growth will return to normal after the drug is discontinued or completed treatment. Hair loss caused by treatment the cancer will grow back, although initially will be very smooth and supple. The child needs to wear a hat when be in outdoors to protect the scalp from the sun. "
"Hurts quite a long time or after surgery can stop the normal cycle of hair growth, causes a lot of hair will fall simultaneously, consult a doctor. The doctor will check the general health of the child. As long as the child is in a healthy state, the hair growth cycle will return to normal within 6 months. "
"Does your child feel itchy on the scalp? Chances are he contracted head lice. Lice infected through contact meetings. Comb his hair with fine and density comb on a piece of white paper to make sure the lice. Long of black delicate insect is less than 2 mm. The eggs are sometimes could be seen embedded in the strands of hair. lice kerala can be removed with a mixture that can be purchased freely (read 'own actions' below). "
"Nail biting may he copied from another child or arise as a nervous habit. Biting is common in children and is not harmful to health, but it may amount to a sore and looked not beautiful. In rare cases, the exposure to the skin on the fingertips could be infected by bacteria from the mouth. Try to cut the nails of the child with a neat and smooth. Remind him every time you make a habit of it, but do not be too stern in order not to make this into a bad-habit. Applying nail bitter substances in the child, worth a try. Consult a doctor if the skin around the nail becomes red or inflamed, because the infection may have occurred. "
"Is your child's scalp flaking? Maybe the child is stricken with dandruff, which is a form of dermatitis seborrhoeik are often accompanied by infection of the scalp. However, peeling scalp can also be caused by something else, such as psoriasis, anti-dandruff shampoo or shampoo that contains ketokanazol will can improve these conditions. When the scalp of the child does not improve within 4 weeks, consult a physician. "
"Is there any part of the red and sore around the nails? Fungal infection around the nail may cause. Consult a doctor, who will be able to prescribe an antifungal cream. Keep the child's hands as much as possible from the water until condition improves."
"Paronikhia acutely, which is an infection by bacteria on the skin near the nail, with an indication of reddened skin around the nail and pain that arise quickly within 24 hours after infection, see your doctor. Your doctor may prescribe an antibiotic cream or tablet. When pus raised, may need to be dried under local anesthesia. "
OWN ACTION: Treating Head Lice
Contrary to popular belief, lice actually prefer clean hair, not dirty. Head lice can be treated with lotions or shampoos that are sold freely. Follow the instructions on the packaging, and then remove the dead lice and their eggs using a comb dense and smooth. Another option, coat the hair with a conditioner and comb hair with a fine comb every day, or use an electric comb that can kill fleas. Whatever method you use, do well on all members of the family and wash all the comb and the towels in warm water to prevent re-infection.
Caring for Your Child's Hair and Nails

To keep your child's hair stays clean and healthy, wash it about 2 times a week. If the child does not like a shampoo, try using shampoo hood that fits with his head or wear a shampoo that is not painful on the eyes. Wash the hair well to remove all crust and comb while still damp. If possible, let it dry naturally.
Keep your child's fingernails stay short to prevent injuries when he was scratched. Short nails are also easier to clean. Use scissors toed not tapered, form fingernails following the shape of your fingertips, while the toenails flat-shaped perpendicular toes.
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