Tuesday 28 April 2015


Fever is a high body temperature, up to 38 degrees Celsius or more, usually indicate that the body is fighting infection. Exposure to heat can raise the temperature. When the fever, the child usually feels lethargic, chills and sweating. If your child is not feeling well, check the temperature (see "Temperature Measuring Child). When high, derive fever (see 'Lowering Fever'). High fever can cause seizures in young children.

Sunday 26 April 2015


Obesity carries health risks and could add emotional and social problems (read 'Danger of Obesity In Kids'). Therefore need to watch out the possibility of excessive weight on your child. Appearances are not always mark the obese, because babies and toddlers usually also looked fat. The best way to monitor each of your child's weight problem is to make a regular record of your child's growth. Increased awareness of the dangers of obesity in adults has led to the realization that the problem might be starting children early start to the formation of the habit of eating unhealthy foods. Very rarely obesity caused by hormonal problems.

Saturday 25 April 2015


Many parents worry their children are too short or thin, and others worry her too tall or fat. Some children is smaller or larger than average, but there is rarely a serious disorder that interferes with the growth. The best way to avoid unnecessary anxiety is diligently recorded the weight and height of your child in order to know whether the child's growth is still within reasonable limits.

"As long as your child looks happy and healthy, it seems there are no hidden medical problems. Monitor the growth of the child and check the child to the doctor if he did not look well or if you are still worried."

"It is among children who are gifted thin, it is more possible if at least one parent was also skinny / slim. However, consult a physician to make sure there are no hidden cause."

"An infection or severe pain, particularly that make children glued in bed some time, can affect the normal growth. The solution, make sure the child is eating enough healthy and balanced diet. Keep track of the child's weight and consult a doctor if the weight does not start increase in 4 weeks. "

"The inability to absorb nutrients from food because of abnormalities or disease cystic fibrosis colic (intestinal damage due to gluten allergy) can be the cause of the child's stool looked pale and smelly. The doctor will perform some tests. When diagnosed with cystic fibrosi, treatment would include medication aides digestion. When the disease is diagnosed colic, the child needs to follow a gluten-free diet. "

"There is a tall kid with talent. It is more likely if at least one parent of the child is also quite tall. If you are worried about the child is too tall for his age, see your doctor."

"Certain medications, such as corticosteroids, are taken in high doses or for a long time, will be able to affect growth. Again, talk to your doctor. Meanwhile, do not stop using prescription medication."

Cystic fibrosis is a genetic disorder in which the secretion of some glands become unnaturally thick. This raises a series of problems, especially viscous mucus in the lungs that causes persistent cough and recurrent chest infections. Abnormal secretion from the pancreas will affect the child's ability to digest food and make it secrete pale stools, ambyar, and foul-smelling. Children who suffer from cystic fibrosis often can not grow normally and are underweight. This condition is present from birth but is often not detected until months or years, and in those days the lungs are already damaged. Chest physiotherapy routine by parents, antibiotics, and medication digestive aid, can now help children who have it managed to survive well into adulthood.

Friday 24 April 2015


The duration of sleep a night for each child varies between 9-12 hours depending on the age and needs of each (see 'Sleep Needs In Kids'). Lack of sleep is rarely affect health but can affect daytime behavior or school performance. But the rejection at the time that you think are already included time to sleep and / or waking up in the middle of the night can be annoying when it happens too often and your family. Various factors, including physical pain, emotional disappointment, nightmares, and poor bedtime habits, can cause sleep problems.

Thursday 23 April 2015


It is normal when a child is tired when he lack of sleep the night before or just had a long day or vigorously. Naturally, if a child needs to sleep more in the future as well as the rapid growth in puberty. If your child seems often tired, or fatigue has hindered the association or achievement in school, maybe there is a medical problem behind it. In many cases, fatigue like this do not last long and may be due to an infection that occurred earlier. But you should check with your doctor to avoid any serious problems.

Tuesday 21 April 2015


A child sometimes complained of feeling unwell without a clear picture of what the member is exactly the problem. At other times, you may suspect that your child is not healthy when he seemed more reserved or more fussy than usual.

Monday 20 April 2015


Newborn's skin is very sensitive and easily irritated by the touch of clothing or bedding. Lighter in skin problems like that usually do not need to worry about. One of the most skin problems experienced by infants is diaper rash, which is easily overcome. Rashes or other abnormalities in the skin that is not clear why or raised more than a few days, need to be examined to see a doctor, especially if the baby did not look well.

Saturday 18 April 2015


Most baby weight shrink in the first week at birth and it is not worth worrying about. After that, the baby's weight will grow steadily. Your baby will be weighed and measured regularly in the nearest neighborhood health center, so that any changes can be detected earlier. Growth in the first year is faster than the years since then, and several important systems of the body, such as the nervous system, is growing very fast. That is why nutrition is very important at this age.

Thursday 16 April 2015


Breastfeeding problems are a source of fussiness and crying in infants and concerns of parents. Problems like that can include reluctant to eat, cries constantly hungry, and too much to swallow air that causes the spit (Java).

Tuesday 14 April 2015

Diarrhea in Infants

Diarrhea is frequent watery stools issued unnatural. Is natural that breastfed babies issuing loose stools up to 6 times a day, and it need not be considered as diarrhea. If your baby has diarrhea, give him plenty of fluids to prevent dehydration (read tips' Preventing Dehydration).

Monday 13 April 2015


In small infants, the parents are often difficult to distinguish between vomiting with spit (Javanese), ie, the release of a new bit in drinking milk. Almost all minor disturbances could make the baby vomit once, and things like this do not need to worry about. However, frequent vomiting in infants may be a sign of hidden problems.

"Pyloric stenosis is a thickening of the muscle that constricts the mouth stomach, vomiting can lead to a repeat of the strong. This can lead to dehydration. The solution, immediately check to the doctor, the handling of this case include ultrasonic scans and surgery to widen the mouth of the stomach."

Sunday 12 April 2015


Fever is a high body temperature, up to 38 degrees Celsius or more. In infants with a fever, forehead will feel hot and she looks unhealthy and fussy. If you suspect your baby is not healthy, measure the temperature (read tips 'Measuring Temperature Infants'), if your baby fever, derive the fever (read tips on 'Reducing Fever') do not forget to check with a doctor.

Saturday 11 April 2015


Crying is the only way a small baby convey physical discomfort or disappointment. All babies sometimes cry when hungry, bed-wetting, disappointment, pain, and there are occasional baby crying for no apparent reason. Most parents can immediately identify the cause of the crying baby and usually can handle it as needed her baby.

Friday 10 April 2015


Most babies wake up at a certain time interval in the day and night to breastfeed during the first few months of age. This is entirely normal and does not need to force the baby at this age to follow a schedule that is more convenient for you.