Saturday 15 August 2015


Spots and rashes in children is usually caused by irritation or inflammation of the skin due to local problems, such as allergic reactions. However rash with fever can be caused by common infections (read 'Viral infections cause a rash' on this blog article). The rash is not accompanied by fever or lethargy may not need to worry about, but if itchy or sore, see your doctor. Immediately take it to hospital if rash accompanied by shortness of breath and / or a swollen face.

"Does your skin feels itchy and / or whether the child is scratching? Is there one or more spots that itch? If all the answer is yes, your child may be exposed to insect bites, such as mosquitoes or moths, especially when their spots have a clear center. Refrain the child scratching, OTC drugs antihistamines or calamine lotions can relieve the itch, see your doctor if the dots do not disappear within a few days, in order to eliminated the possibility of scabies as the cause. "

"Are there any red inflamed skin that can blister, in one or more of the following sections; inner elbow, behind the knees, the inside of the wrist, face, ankles. If there is, the child may be affected by atopic eczema, a form of allergic reaction. this diagnosis is increasingly possible when there is family members who also suffer from eczema or allergies, see your doctor. if the diagnosis is confirmed, the doctor will prescribe Corticosteroid creams or antibiotics. Take action to overcome eczema (bottom of the article) and also relieve itching. Many children patients with atopic eczema can be free of this condition by the age of 8 years. "

"Urticaria, allergic reaction called biduran which causes the skin to itch, and there are one or more bright red welts on the skin, the cause is often unknown. Rarely, it can be part of a more wide allergic reaction. Usually do not need to be treated, but antihistamines (drug-free) will be able to relieve the itch. Consult a physician if urticaria persist until more than 24 hours or if it often arises. if the swelling or the mouth or tongue, immediately take it to the hospital. "

"Some types of fungi infect the moist and warm area folds of the skin; for example armpit or groin, and there is the kind that attacks the limbs and body, see your doctor, the doctor will prescribe an antifungal cream for the child and possibly antifungal tablets."

"When there is an inflamed red lesions that also exfoliates, it may be because sebotthoeic dermatitis, a skin disorder that is not dangerous. It is common in oily areas, ledges hairline, eyebrows and nose. The solution, avoid the use of soap and other bath products in section attacked. Use an emollient, such as aqueous cream to cleanse and moisturize the skin. this condition is often improved when the scalp is washed with anti-dandruff shampoo or containing ketokanazola. if the rash does not improve within a week or if you're concerned, see your doctor, who will be able to prescribe Corticosteroid. "

"Is there some pimple-like pearl diameter up to 5 mm, around a central pimple? Molluskum contagiosum, a viral infection of the skin that is not dangerous but contagious, it may cause. Pimple will disappear without treatment, but can be up to two years. Meanwhile, , she can make clothes snagged and looked conspicuous. Each nodule can be overcome by a doctor, but because the process is sick and can leave scars, usually better left lost myself. "

"Does the child seem very itchy with / without gray line in between the fingers or wrist? Scabies, a type of parasitic infection, may cause symptoms like this. Head lice scabies immerse themselves under the skin between the fingers and wrist, and cause rashes extends in the palms of the hands and feet of the baby. Scabies is highly contagious. Your doctor may prescribe lotions medicine, which need to be applied to the entire body of the child from the neck down. all the family members also need to be treated simultaneously, and all clothing and bedding should be washed. lice will die within three days after treatment, but the itch can be continued until 2 weeks. "

"Impetigo, a bacterial skin infection that often commonly affects the face. The indication that the skin of child inflamed or blisters then dry and crusty golden. When the doctor confirmed this diagnosis, you may be advised to remove the crust carefully with warm water. Doctors also can prescribe an antibiotic cream or, if the conditions are widespread, oral antibiotics. Until the infection is clean, separate towels and cleaning tool so that the child does not infect people / other children. Keep the child of another child when he was infected. "

"Most warts will go away, but it can be up to monthly or even yearly. Warts Medication will be able to accelerate the process. However, if the wart settled after being treated or when it hurts, take it to the doctor who will be able to suggest other treatment, such as by freezing."

"Certain medications can cause skin problems as a side effect. Discontinue giving all medicine-free and consult a doctor. Meanwhile, do not stop using prescription medicine."

Immediately take it to the hospital when bright red flat spots arise that do not disappear when pressed accompanied listless child. Such symptoms can be associated with meningitis.

OWN ACTION: Atopic Eczema
Itchy rash eczema usually affects the skin on the inside of joints such as elbows and knees. If your child is suffering from eczema, the following measures can help relieve symptoms or reduce the amount of the trigger;
  • Wash with warm water, not of hot water, and add the emollient bath oil.
  • Provide soap-free cleaning solution, such as aqueous cream.
  • Apply an emollient cream several times a day.
  • Make sure the clothes are made of cotton to overcome irritation.
  • Keep he is not exposed to cold, which can cause serious viral infections.
  • Identify triggers, such as eggs, then ask your doctor-eating pattern without the substance.
Perform also relieve itching steps (in this blog).

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