Thursday 16 April 2015


Breastfeeding problems are a source of fussiness and crying in infants and concerns of parents. Problems like that can include reluctant to eat, cries constantly hungry, and too much to swallow air that causes the spit (Java).

"Some infants, as in adults, eating (feeding) less than other babies. During the baby looks healthy, agile and weight gain as expected, there's nothing to worry about."

"Reluctant breastfeeding is usually caused by a minor illness eg colds. However, if it is sustained, could have been caused by a more serious illness. Infants younger who are reluctant to eat can become dehydrated. Contact your doctor immediately if your infant under the age of 3 months and refused to eat more of 3 hours, or if aged over 3 months and refused to eat for more than 6 hours. "

"Often drink is reasonable in breastfed infants under 2 months old. But when he was already 4 months or more, it may be time to weaning (age 4 months allowed weaning babies but it is recommended when the baby is 6 months old or more)."

"Babies cry when they suck the nipple may be caused by the delayed reflex immediately resigned so that the milk does not come out when the baby starts to suck. The solution, try to relax while breastfeeding, and avoid breastfeeding when you're not comfortable, for example, in a public place. Make sure also that you're not upset. Stimulating the nipples right before the baby suckles may also help. "

"It is not strange that infant suddenly does not like the food that usually they like. This is normal and nothing to worry about. The solution, try to vary the feed the baby, and eventually multiply to mention the variety of flavors and textures of food. If the baby refuses one particular food, cut it to offer him to try again later. But if you are worried, see your doctor or local health aide. "

"The first burst of breastfeeding when the baby starts sucking may make it choke. This may occur when breastfeeding Leih first in the morning, when there is a grace period longer breastfeeding. The solution, try to squeeze a little milk before feeding. If this seems to be less successful, ask the advice of local paramedics. "

"Your baby is crying and vomiting after feeding? May cause gastro-esofagal is, the stomach contents thrown up into the esophagus (digestive tract). However, when the incidence is only occasional, perhaps due to trapped air (see 'Facing Sign Wind'). Doctor will examine the baby, maybe you will to be suggested to lull baby sideways to head higher. When the baby is old enough, more sitting in a baby seat will be able to help. maybe the doctor will suggest a drug that increases the activity of the esophageal muscles. Most babies will apart from this condition at the age of 1 year. "

"Breastfeeding babies are often reluctant to drink from the bottle, unless it has been tried in the early stages. Follow the advice on how to give the baby a bottle of milk the milk at the bottom of this article. If your baby is refusing milk bottle, try using baby cup."

"Your baby cries when it began to suck the bottle? It may be because the pacifier, pacifier hole that was not relevant to the milk flow becomes too much or too little. The solution, check the flow of milk through the nipple hole. If it looks too fast or too small, try searching dot other. "

"A hidden disease can cause the baby to continuously reluctant to eat and gain weigh less, see your doctor. The doctor will examine the baby and do some tests to find the cause. The doctor will handle hidden cause and give advice how to breastfeed."

TIPS OWN ACTION: Giving breastfeeding wear bottles
Often times quite difficult to give a bottle of milk in breastfed infants, especially when he was already a couple of weeks and have never felt the bottle and pacifier. And keeping the following suggestions may help:

  • Try to offer it while walking around the room.
  • Give a squeeze breast milk, not formula.
  • Try dot silicon, instead of dot rubber, or try another dot shape.
  • Enlist the help of someone to give it when you are not in the same room.

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